In the middle of September Connacht travelled out to Summerland BC to Participate in Summer's End Knight Event Autocrated by Lady Christiana. To keep it brief Master Casper taught a wood craving class and Adelsdamen Melora a Dance class. Adelsdamen Melora scored a tournament win with her Pomander in Arts and Science, Mistress Emma took a bowman's win in Archery while Sovalye Adina Silverhand took the Huntsmen, And to wrap it up Sir Ormr fought till the bitter end to take the Knights List Rapier win. At the end of the day our group feasted in Mistress Christina's beautiful feast hall.
Tournament Results:
Knights List Rapier: Sir Ormr
Bowman's List: Mistress Emma
Huntsmen List: Adina Silverhand
Arts Knights List: Melora with a win for her Pomander
See you all at Day of the Dead, October 12th 2012 in Lavington B.C.