Imperial Crown War North - September 3rd 2012

Well here are the results from the Imperial Crown War (North).

Special Interest:
Squire Melora was Knighted in 1st Level Ministry and 1st level Arts and Science and shall this day forward been known as Adelsdamen Melora, Knight Minister and Knight Robe
Don Mizak Perado received his knighthood in archery and shall add Knight Archer to his achievements
Don Mizak Perado was also inducted into the church of Iglesias de los Soldados and will add the title battle ‘Battle Monk’ to his achievements.


Steel Scenarios, Point Winner & Champion
1. Open Field with Archers: Tom / Etaine
2. Crossroads Battle, no archers: Tom / Etaine
3. Steel Champions Battle: Cameron / Gemma
Champion An-Ridire Reyrketill Silverhand

Ren Scenarios, Point Winner & Champion
1. Open Field Capture the Flag: Cameron / Gemma
2. Crossroads Battle: no archers: Tom / Etaine
3. Ren Champions Battle: Tom / Etaine
Champion An-Ridire Ruaidhri Silverhand

Ren Scenarios & Point Winner
1. Open Field Last Army Standing: Tom / Etaine
2. Crossroads Battle, no archers: Tom / Etaine
3. Open Field Last Army Standing: Tom / Etaine
Tournament: Round Robin with Best of 5 Final
Each participant will fight all opponents once scoring wins for either opponent as they happen. Highest two total scores will fight in a best of 5 final with the Crowns of Connacht choosing the weapons each round.
Sergeants Shinai List:
Short Listed
Sergeants Rapier List:
This list was short listed and thus combined with the Knights List Rapier
Knights Rapier List:
Knights Rapier List Winner: Sir Ormr
Knights Steel List:
Knights Steel List Winner: Sir Ormr

Archery War
Tom / Etaine Cameron / Gemma
Bowmen Total: 31; Bowmen Total: 2;
Huntsmen Total: 63; Huntsmen Total: 47;
Combined Total 133; Combined Total: 73
Champion: 22; Thane Cyrspin Champion: 24, Sir Ormr
Champion Sir Ormr

Tournament, Closest to the pole 150 yards
Bowmen’s List Win– Short Listed,
Huntsmen List Win– Thane Cryspin MacMorrigu 5” to the pole

Arts and Science:
Tom / Etaine
3 Entries
1 Journeymen Win, Mizak Perado “poem”
1 Knights List Win: Gabriele Silverhand “Chaperon”

See you Next Month at Summer End Knight in Summerland BC on September 17th 2012