Boar War - June 8th to 10th 2012

Later in the month Connacht headed up to Joe Rich BC to participate in the Boar War Autocrated by Her Ladyship Scarlett Arianedale. Despite the constant rain what an amazing event. We had three art entries, Sir Ormr entered Cherry Sauce earning a knights list win, Squire Melora entered Gottinegen Model also earning a knights list win and Lauwren McKinely entered Sambocade for a participation. Archery was cancelled due to the weather conditions but the combat war happened regardless of the weather. Don Mizak Perado had some great war scenarios that had us hunting boar, escorting the Arch-Duke and his team through the woods to battles inside shelters. The Arch Duke and his team took all the war points defeating the the rebelling Boars... All in all a great war. Thank you Scarlett and Mizak for all your hard work!

Tournament Results:
Combat: No Tournaments held, only war!
Archery: Cancelled due to weather
Arts & Science: Sir Ormr - Knights List Win
                      Squire Melora - Knights List Win

See you at Canada Day Demo at Polson Park Vernon BC on July 1st 2012